A 78-year-old woman was found unconscious in her apartment in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, after police broke the door to enter the home. The woman, who could not travel to Australia due to the flight ban, lives alone.
Indore police say one of the woman’s neighbours informed the local police that she had not seen her neighbours for over a day. When the police officers from Palasia police station reached the apartment and checked through the cameras, they found the woman lying unconscious on her chair. They then broke the door to enter.
“It appears she had not eaten anything for days,” a police officer told NRI Affairs over the phone.
The woman was immediately taken to a local hospital, where she is in a stable condition.
According to the local media, the woman lives alone in her apartment while her two sons are settled in Australia. The woman’s husband is also in Australia and could not travel due to the COVID-related travel ban.
NRI Affairs could not confirm if the woman’s family had been contacted.
A total of 4,194 people were reported dead on Saturday as the infection is now spreading in rural areas. Many experts believe that the actual number of cases and deaths is higher than what is being reported.
NRI Affairs News Desk
Image courtesy: Dainik Bhaskar