Vishal Jood, an Indian student who has been in prison after pleading guilty to criminal charges, has been taken into custody by immigration officials after being released on parole.
Jood became eligible for parole today after serving six monts of his 12-month prison sentence.
NRI Affairs has learned from multiple sources that Jood has already been taken into custody.
“He has been taken into custody straight from the jail to Villawood, where he will be processed and deported,” a source told NRI Affairs on the condition of anonymity.
Vishal Jood, arrested in April for acts of violence, was sentenced to twelve months in prison by a Parramatta Court in Sydney in September. The sentence carries a six-month non-parole period. Jood became eligible for parole on 15 October.
WATCH: क्या विशाल जूड (Vishal Jood) 15 अक्टूबर को छूट जाएगा?
Jood had pleaded guilty to three charges, including ‘assault’, ‘occasioning actual bodily harm in the company of others’ and ‘armed with an intention to commit indictable offence’, while the Crown dropped the other charges.