In a bizarre turn of events, three individuals of Indian origin in Ontario, Canada, have been arrested after police discovered fake license plates made from cardboard affixed to their vehicle. Lovepreet Singh (33), Prabhpreet Singh (28), and Rajwinder Mangat (37) are now facing a total of eight charges, including obstructing a peace officer, according to reports from CP24 news channel.
The incident unfolded when police responded to reports of a group suspected of recent thefts seen filling a shopping cart with electronic devices at a Monarch Drive business around 2:25 pm last week. Upon the arrival of officers, the suspects decided to leave the premises without the stolen goods. Subsequent investigation revealed that the license plate on their vehicle was crafted from cardboard, showcasing “art and craft skills utilized to try and avoid detection,” as described by the police.
Although the plate numbers on the cardboard were not directly linked to the vehicle at the scene, they matched those of a vehicle with the same make, model, and color. The discovery prompted the police to take all three suspects into custody, leading to the confiscation of the fake plates. Additionally, a small quantity of cocaine and methamphetamine was seized during the arrest.
The use of fake cardboard license plates reflects a creative attempt to circumvent law enforcement, highlighting the lengths some individuals may go to evade detection. The charges brought against the trio, including obstructing a peace officer, underscore the seriousness of the situation and the legal consequences they now face. As the investigation unfolds, authorities will likely delve deeper into the motives behind this unconventional and deceptive tactic employed by the suspects.