Manbir Singh Kohli
As they say in Australia “Karma is a bitch and your actions will come and bite you on your arse”
If one was to look for some of the biggest hypocrites of all time, I think some of us, the Non-Resident Indians, will be floating on top in the toilet bowl, curdled, diseased, full of virulence and deserving to be flushed away.
I see these same creatures emerge again as Australia bans the return of over 9000 people from India, a majority of whom are of Indian descent.
I am sure a sizable majority, looking at representative numbers, of these people would also be ones who were vocal, celebrating and braying that their, self-claimed, 56 inch chested leader had ‘…taught the Muslim minority a lesson by passing the pathbreaking Citizenship Amendment Act and how the National Register of Citizenship would flush out the ‘termites’ from India’. Unashamedly most of them also openly condemn the reservation of seats for the underprivileged and side-lined communities in India.
These same people who were dancing over the possible negation of a mere right of people continually living in India for decades, to the minorities’ citizenship, are now upset and crying ‘racism’ when the Australian government is banning them from returning from India in the short term, ostensibly, to keep the 25 million safe here including us.
The Australian government is not seizing their much prized, dowry enhancing, permanent Residency or Kangaroo Passport ownership that will help him get a ‘fairer’ skinned girl or assist that girl in calling all her siblings here. No. It’s a ‘temporary ban’ and it has been rightly condemned by most Australians as an onslaught on civic freedom and the idea of citizenship of this beautiful country. It’s heartening to see so much criticism by ‘Australians’ against this ‘draconian’ ban and I feel proud when I see Michael Slater take on our PM ScoMo from Marketing.
Despite this being a temporary ban these same mean spirited and hateful people do not feel safe in the very country under the leadership that they constantly flout as ‘visionary’ ‘teaching the world’, ‘vishwaguru’ ‘an epicentre of all ideas, science, technology, ancient wisdom, art, literature, architecture etc’. They want to return to Australia to rightfully take advantage of our fantastic health system.
It is also interesting to watch some of these bigots, against their own racial brethren, decrying the Australian government’s monstrous slamming of the door on its own citizens from returning ‘home’.
These were the same ones clapping from the sidelines here in Australia, at the joy in their hearts, of the looming prospect of millions in India who would not be able to ‘kaagaz dikhao’ and sent to detention camps or to Pakistan or Bangladesh (god knows how that was to be done though).It was enough to send these miserly people into raptures at their long sought dream of turning India into a Hindu theocracy where minorities would live like third class people devoid of rights available to others in a civic society. This would be their supposed vindication for centuries of being the subject of imagined oppression by the ‘foreign’ Muslims. But here they are on television, radio and social media pushing the signing of petitions, big-noting themselves as the fighters of the marginalised immigrants, claiming their hearts bleed at separated families but quietly cheer on lynch mobs or congratulate friend on the riots in Delhi and are thrilled when 21 year old climate activists or other political enemies are wrongfully arrested.
Don’t they have an iota of insight into seeing the contradiction of their actions? Hating 200 million because of their religion and wanting to take away even their right to live in a country they’ve lived in for generations, much less to see them progress, and on the other hand use a megaphone and cry tears of how their ‘compatriots’ are being denied their Australian Citizenship’s right to return? This is not just brazen and shameless but opportunistic and lacks a skerrick of insight or reflection.If any of these guys appear on television or radio I do hope the interviewer has the gall to ask them “What are your views on the CAA? What do you think about stripping citizens, who have voting rights, of their citizenship? What are your views on the marginalised and disenfranchised in India? What do you think about the affirmative action for Dalits in India?”. Unless these self-obsessed humans answer these questions honestly they do not represent me. They do not represent the ‘diaspora’ but are only there for their own unfulfilled dreams of being relevant.
Besides, why do the ones who supported the CAA and NRC want to return from India? Isn’t it because the same government which is fulfilling their dreams of Hindutva, is not being able to provide them with the right of basic healthcare? The primal creature in my brain raises its schadenfreudic head but I push it back. Maybe it is ‘karma’, but what is the karma of the millions who are afflicted because of the incompetence of one man? Who will educate this mob that what they demand here as basic human values, citizenship, right to live, right to be treated with respect irrespective of their religion, also needs to be granted to others they oh so hurriedly want to strip off their rights as humans.
Being human is a constant accounting process you cannot pass on debits to the world while usurping all the credits to yourself. As they say in Australia “Karma is a bitch and your actions will come and bite you on your arse”
Manbir Singh Kohli lives in Sydney. He presents the weekly Kehte Sunte Radio Show 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM Sydney Time every Thursday on 89.3 FM and on Facebook LIVE.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the editorial views or position of NRI Affairs.
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