In a car crash on Monday night in the US, three women of Telugu descent perished. Vanisri Yelamanchili, wife of renowned Telugu Association of North America (TANA) board director Dr. Kodali Nagendra Srinivas, and his two daughters were among the deceased, according to police authorities.
However, only the older daughter, Meghana Kodali, age 20, could be determined by authorities. The younger daughter, who was 16 years old, was not named. The family was travelling in a sedan when it was struck by a van in Waller County, Texas, according to local reports.
According to Texas DPS Sgt. Standifer, the driver of a Chevrolet Silverado was driving east on 2920 while the driver of a Lexus was driving south. Although the Lexus crashed head-on into the side of the driver of the Chevy, the cause of the incident remains unknown.
Some reports claim that Yalamanchili Vanisri failed to stop at a road intersection, which caused the collision. The younger daughter passed away at a nearby hospital while receiving treatment, while Vanisri and Meghana passed away on the spot.
Srinivas’ wife Yalamanchili Vanisri went to bring her older daughter from college on Sunday morning at 11.30 a.m. with her younger daughter for the Dusshera festival. As they were driving away, a pickup vehicle struck their automobile, causing all three to pass away instantly. The driver of the pickup vehicle and his two kids, ages seven and eleven, suffered minor wounds and were taken to the hospital immediately. The Telugu community in the United States was shocked by the tragedy.
Since 2017, Srinivas has held a seat on the board of TANA, one of the most significant organisations for Telugu NRIs in the US. Srinivas, a native of the Krishna district village of Kurumaddali, completed his medical schooling at the Guntur Medical College before moving to the US in 1995 to pursue further studies. He, later on, relocated his family to Houston.
Vanisri was employed at an IT firm in Texas, whilst Srinivas is a practising paediatric cardiovascular anesthesiologist. The younger daughter was in 11th grade, while the older daughter, Meghana was pursuing a medical degree. After the accident, Srinivas’ family members were in a state of profound shock. Members of TANA also expressed grief over the tragedy.