Twenty two year old Sanya Arora, a Melbourne based dermal therapist, has been announced as the Miss India Australia 2021 winner.
Pune born Sanya moved to Australia as a 10 year old. The dancer and aspiring actor is passionate about Indian culture and loves contemporary Indian dance. In addition to English, Sanya can speak Hindi, Punjabi and some Marathi.
Priyanka M Selvam, 38 years old Mother and YouTuber from Ballart, Victoria took the Mrs India Australia 2021 title. Originally from Ernakulam, Kerala. Priyanka also took the Mrs Social Impact title for her experience with depression and for motivating other women, especially Indian women in Australia and India. Her YouTube channel “Beauty bugs TV” has more than one hundred thousand subscribers.
Because of the pandemic, the 2021 Miss India Australia winner and the 10 finalists were selected via extensive on-line auditions and interviews on the basis of their overall personality, their talents and their performances; with real casting experience and group training and mentoring sessions by Australian-Indian talent mentor Raj Suri.
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Miss India Australia 2021 will officially represent Australia in the 30th Miss India Australia Worldwide 2021 in Mumbai in 2022 (subject to covid restrictions at the time).
Also representing at the same time at the 5th Mrs India Worldwide 2021 in India, will be Mrs India Australia 2021.
The names of the ten Miss & Mrs India Australia 2021 Finalists from Australia are:
Miss VANSHIKA Puri (VIC), Miss ALISHA Mathew (NSW), Miss MANMEET Gulati (VIC), Miss SANAH Aslam (QLD), SANYA Arora (VIC ), Mrs JYOTHSNA Suraj (NSW), Mrs SAVINDER (Smiley) Kaur (WA), Mrs NEERU A Krishnakumar (NSW), Mrs PRIYANKA M Selvam (VIC), Mrs DEBLINA Sarkar (NSW)
Miss India Australia 2021 finalists were judged on the basis of their talents ranging from monologues; classical & contemporary dance; make up & skin therapy and singing.
The Miss India Australia 2021 titles announced in different categories are:
SANYA Arora – Miss India Australia 2021 and Miss Photogenic 2021
MANMEET Gulati – Miss India Australia International Student & Popular Choice 2021
SANAH Aslam- Miss India Australia Social Impact 2021
ALISHA Mathew – Miss India Australia Best Talent (Classical Dance) 2021
VANSHIKA Puri – Miss India Australia Professional 2021
PRIYANKA M Selvam – Mrs India Australia 2021 and Mrs Social Impact 2021
NEERU A Krishnakumar (NSW)- Mrs India Australia Photogenic 2021
SAVINDER (Smiley) Kaur – Mrs India Australia Best Catwalk 2021
JYOTHSNA Suraj – Mrs India Australia Best Talent (Singing) 2021
DEBLINA Sarkar – Mrs India Australia Beautiful Face 2021
About Miss India Australia (est.2001)
Founded in 2001 by photographer and film producer Raj Suri, the Miss India Australia is the first talent search contest in Australia for women of Indian origin affiliated to the Miss India Worldwide, which will be celebrating its 30th year in 2022, represented by over 20 countries.
“Miss India Australia embraces the best of Australian and Indian culture presenting a unique opportunity for Australian women to engage with and celebrate rich heritage with contemporary Australian identity. Miss India Australia does not follow a minimum height or weight criteria in women. It truly celebrates the ‘real woman’ – the Indian Australian diversity.”, Mr Suri said in a statement released to the media.