In a tragic incident in the United States New Jersey, a 23-year-old Indian student, Om Brahmbhatt, has been apprehended on charges of allegedly murdering his grandparents and uncle at their residence. The arrest took place during a police investigation into a shooting at a condominium in South Plainfield around 9 am on Monday.
Authorities clarified that the incident was not a random act of violence, and there was no perceived threat to the public. The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office stated that Om Brahmbhatt, the perpetrator, was residing with the victims and was present at the scene when authorities arrived.
Tragedy struck as 72-year-old Dilipkumar Brahmbhatt, his wife Bindu Brahmbhatt (also 72), and their 38-year-old son Yashkumar Brahmbhatt were discovered lifeless in their residence when authorities responded to the scene.
The accused, Om Brahmbhatt, a 23-year-old student who had recently relocated to New Jersey for academic pursuits about a year ago, had been residing with his relatives, according to NBC New York. Some family members revealed that Om’s move to the United States was influenced by his maternal grandfather, Dilipkumar Brahmbhatt.
Following the shooting incident, Om Brahmbhatt contacted the police, and upon their arrival at the location, when questioned about the perpetrator, he reportedly responded with,” It might be me.” Subsequently, Om has been taken into custody and charged with three counts of first-degree murder.
As per the complaint, the alleged crime was executed using a handgun that Om purchased online. Despite the serious charges, Om Brahmbhatt displayed a seemingly calm demeanour during his court appearance on Tuesday.
Ongoing investigations, spearheaded by the South Plainfield Police Department, are delving into the details of the case. Om Brahmbhatt is currently in custody at the Middlesex County Adult Correctional Facility.
In the course of the investigation, Om reportedly informed the police that he shot Dilipkumar and Bindu in the head while they were asleep. Subsequently, he moved to another bedroom, where he fired multiple shots at the head of Yashukumar.
Additionally, law enforcement officials disclosed that Om Brahmbhatt did not have employment and had a “history of chronic unemployment.” The motive behind the crime remains unclear at this point.