An Indian man has been charged for breaking Covid rules after allegedly trying to smuggle his girlfriend into South Australia.
Indian-origin truck driver Jatinder Singh has faced court for allegedly smuggling a woman across the border from NSW to South Australia, hiding her under a pile of blankets.
Prosecutors say their actions could have had catastrophic consequences.
According to SA Police, just after 3 pm on Friday 10 September, a prime mover entered the Yamba checking station, travelling from NSW.
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“The driver had documentation allowing him to travel into SA, and he was allowed to proceed into the state,” said the police in a statement.
A short time later, a public member reported that there appeared to be people hiding within the rear trailer of the truck as it travelled along the Sturt Highway.
Police stopped the vehicle in Renmark and searched the vehicle.
“When officers questioned the driver, he revealed that his girlfriend was hiding in the rear sleeper cabin and did not have an essential traveller permit,” said the police.
Police arrested the driver, “a 38-year-old man from Victoria for aid and abet along with a 33-year-old woman from Angle Park for breaching the Emergency Management Act.”
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Both appeared in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on Monday, 13 September, where the prosecutor told the court these are exactly the type of circumstances that have led to substantial covert outbreaks in Victoria and QLD.
The couple’s lawyer argued that the woman was fully vaccinated and hardly left the truck. Nevertheless, the magistrate ordered the pair to stay in custody until Friday.