New South Wales has announced significant changes in its visa program.
With the opening of its visa program for offshore candidates, NSW has announced changes to the existing visa requirements as well.
Director of Migration and Education Expert Chaman Preet says the changes indicate a push towards the 491 visa program.
“It is evident from these changes that the government wants more people to go for subclass 491, which is a regional visa. Introducing 3 year-work experience requirement for 190 visa will leave many ineligible,” she told NRI Affairs.
Listen to the interview:
Here are the highlights:
– All the changes apply to 190 visa only.
– NSW will also accept Offshore applications.
– Onshore applicants need to be living in the state for three months and working in their closely related occupations for a minimum of 20 hours.
– Offshore candidates need to be overseas for at least three months.
– The occupation should be on the NSW offshore list.
– 3-year-work experience requirement is only for some occupations. These are identified with a tick under the ‘Experience’ column on NSW skilled occupation lists page. It applies to both onshore and offshore applicants.
– These changes apply to all SkillSelect EOIs regardless of when they were submitted or amended and apply to both onshore and offshore EOIs.
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is general and is not specific advice. If you want accurate information relevant to your situation, you should consult a registered migration agent.