In a shocking incident of alleged police misconduct, two constables from the Kotwali police station in Patna have been suspended by Patna SSP Rajiv Mishra. The suspension comes in response to accusations that the officers, identified as Bablu Kumar and Vinay Kumar, compelled a non-resident Indian (NRI) to cover their food bills. The victim, Ritesh Batra alias Ravi, had approached the police to file a complaint about an autorickshaw driver who absconded with his bag containing Rs 27,000 in cash and valuable items.
The Harrowing Tale Unfolds
Ritesh Batra, accompanied by his family, had come to Patna to visit the revered Takht Sri Harmandir Sahib Gurdwara. On March 8, the family hired an autorickshaw to reach the Gurdwara, only to face a distressing turn of events. The driver halted the vehicle on J P Ganga Path, suggesting the family enjoy the scenic location. Seizing the opportunity, the driver swiftly escaped with their bag when they disembarked.
The Shocking Response from the Protectors
Upon seeking help from the police, Ritesh Batra found himself entangled in an appalling situation. The two constables not only failed to address his grievance promptly but took him to a restaurant. Subsequently, they insisted he join them for a meal, coercing him to foot the bill for their food. This unexpected turn of events raises serious questions about the conduct and integrity of those entrusted with public safety.
Swift Action and Accountability
Reacting decisively to this egregious incident, Patna SSP Rajiv Mishra suspended constables Bablu Kumar and Vinay Kumar. Additionally, an explanation has been demanded from the SHO of Kotwali police station, Rajan Kumar, regarding the matter. The city SP (central), Chandra Prakash, affirmed that the disciplinary action was taken in response to the NRI’s explicit accusation of being forced to settle the police officers’ food expenses.
The Larger Implications
This incident not only highlights an alleged abuse of power but also raises concerns about the safety and accountability of law enforcement officers. Citizens, especially those visiting from abroad, should feel secure when seeking help from the police. However, this case underscores a disturbing breach of trust and a blatant misuse of authority, eroding public confidence in the guardians of law and order.
As the investigation into this incident unfolds, it is imperative to address the systemic issues that may contribute to such misconduct. Transparency, accountability, and swift corrective measures are crucial to restore faith in the police force. Instances like these demand a thorough examination of the protocols in place to ensure that those sworn to protect and serve uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.