In a recent development, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the Indian-origin truck driver responsible for the fatal Humboldt Broncos bus crash, faced a setback in Canada as his bid against deportation to India was dismissed by a judge, as reported by Canada-based CBC News.
Sidhu, who had previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving charges, saw his plea to remain in Canada rejected. The tragic incident, which occurred on April 6, 2018, at the intersection of Saskatchewan Highway 35 and Saskatchewan Highway 335 near Armley, Saskatchewan, resulted in the loss of 16 lives and left 13 others injured.
Having received an eight-year prison sentence, Sidhu had been employed for less than a month before the crash. According to CBC News, the newly married permanent resident ignored a stop sign at a rural intersection near Tisdale, Saskatchewan, colliding with the bus carrying a junior hockey team to a playoff game.
Earlier this year, Sidhu was granted parole, and the Canada Border Services Agency recommended his deportation. However, in September, Sidhu’s lawyer, Michael Greene, argued in the Federal Court that officials failed to consider his client’s previously clean criminal record and expressions of remorse. Greene urged for a second review of the case, seeking to set aside the deportation decision.
Chief Justice Paul Crampton, in a recent ruling, expressed the profound impact of Jaskirat Singh Sidhu’s case, stating, “The facts underlying Sidhu’s applications to this court were devastating for everyone involved. Many lives were lost, others were torn apart, and many hopes and dreams were shattered.”
Acknowledging the tragic consequences, Chief Justice Crampton noted, “Unfortunately, nothing this court decides can change much of those truly tragic consequences.” The decision reported by CBC News outlined that Crampton found the border officials’ assessment fair, taking into account Sidhu’s record and the “extraordinary degree of genuine, heart-wrenching remorse.”
In his written decision, Chief Justice Crampton stated, “The officer’s decision was appropriately justified, transparent and intelligible. It also reflected an internally coherent and rational chain of analysis and meaningfully engaged with the key issues raised by Sidhu.”
The Chief Justice highlighted that, as a result of the ruling, Sidhu now faces deportation to India. Despite years of hard work in establishing a life with his wife in Canada, the decision, as reported by CBC News, signifies a significant and challenging turn for Sidhu.
While Chief Justice Paul Crampton’s decision upholding Jaskirat Singh Sidhu’s deportation has left room for further appeals, it has also prompted responses from various quarters, including the families affected by the tragic Humboldt Broncos crash five years ago.
Chief Justice Crampton noted that Sidhu retains the option to request to stay in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Meanwhile, reactions from families, such as Toby Boulet, whose son Logan lost his life in the crash, reflect a complex sentiment.
Boulet expressed that moving forward doesn’t necessarily mean Sidhu must remain incarcerated, but he is adamant that Sidhu should not stay in Canada.
In Boulet’s words, “We have no ill feelings towards the man—we just don’t want to see him ever again. We don’t want to run into him. We don’t want to have an actual incidental passing with the gentleman. We want him gone—and gone means, in this case, deported.”
Chris Joseph, whose 20-year-old son Jaxon was among those killed, welcomed the decision, stating, “It’s the right decision and sends the right message.” He emphasised the prolonged pain endured by his family and others, spanning five years since the tragic incident.
However, CBC News reported that not all families share the same perspective on Sidhu’s deportation. Scott Thomas, father of Evan Thomas (18), who lost his life in the crash, has forgiven Sidhu and advocated for his continued stay in Canada. Despite anticipating the likelihood of deportation, Thomas remains understanding of the decision.
“He’s in a prison in his mind for the rest of his life, so to our family, it doesn’t matter where he is,” Thomas remarked. Regardless of Sidhu’s location, Thomas believes that the weight of his actions and the enduring consequences will continue to impact Sidhu, stating, “Whether he’s here or over in India, I think he’s going to suffer with his actions and the consequences of those for the rest of his life.”