On Friday, Anil Vij, the Home Minister of Haryana, wrote to the Chief Secretary requesting the establishment of a grievance redress cell for non-resident Indians (NRI) in the state. The purpose of this cell is to protect the interests of Haryana’s residents residing outside of the country, according to an official statement.
The letter written by Anil Vij to the Chief Secretary stated that he had been made aware of the difficulties faced by some individuals from Haryana who reside abroad, as they have grievances with various departments of the state, including but not limited to the police and health departments. The letter emphasised the need for a dedicated grievance redress cell for NRIs in order to provide an efficient solution to their problems.
The Home Minister of Haryana, further added in the letter to the Chief Secretary that NRIs often face difficulties in identifying the relevant officers in the concerned departments to address their grievances. The letter highlighted that even when they do visit India, it is usually for a brief period, which makes it challenging to resolve their issues.
In order to alleviate these issues, the Home Minister has urged the Chief Secretary to establish an NRI grievance redress cell that would enable efficient follow-up and resolution of complaints or applications made by NRIs. The cell would provide a single point of contact for NRIs to obtain information about the status of their complaints or applications and their resolution within the stipulated time frame.
“With this, the NRIs can easily get information about the action taken in relation to their complaints/applications and their solution under one roof within the prescribed time limit,” the minister mentioned in his letter.
In 2017, the Haryana government launched two dedicated cells to assist Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in addressing complaints and investment-related inquiries. One of the cells focuses on grievances redressal, which would be led by an officer of the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), while the other facilitates investment and solicits suggestions from NRIs.
The cell has a field unit in every police district, and their respective phone numbers have been made available on the Haryana Police’s website. The Citizen Grievance Redressal System already functions in Haryana as the CM Window, with a 91% disposal rate. The system for NRI Grievance Redressal is seamlessly integrated with the existing system.